All about Earnings of Celebs and Football Players
When it comes to taxes, a lot of people are interested in celebrities and people who make a lot of money in particular.

This is because most people are used to paying the taxes they’re used to paying but when you look at a person’s tax return, you can almost determine how much they’re making. This is usually a subject brought up when people are simply overpaid or stealing money so why all of a sudden is everyone so interested in Wayne Rooney’s tax returns. This is coming after people found out that Cameron’s tax return is around 38 percent but a lot of people are wondering, what is Wayne’s?
When we look at the earnings and wages for the football players and the Premier League in general, it’s estimated that the Premier League has a wage bill of 2 billion pounds annually. That’s an astounding amount of money and we can see why some people might be either upset or a bit concerned. Even more surprising is the fact that the highest paid players are actually foreign and not domestic. When a survey was done in 2013 to 2014, it was discovered that most players earned an average of 2.3 million pounds.
Over the past 15 years, this is a five time raise. However, in their defense, it’s noted that players like Wayne Rooney aren’t going into their taxes and their pay blind as a lot of players like to employ what’s known as a smart tax accountant. This is so that they can minimize the liabilities paid to HMRC. When questioned about 400 plus foreigners, it was stated that most of these players prefer to have off shore accounts so that they can minimize the amount of income they’re paying out in taxes. Is this a simple case of fans overreaction or a legitimate concern?